- Part #13 on Diagram.
- Inner Grease Guard for Hilliard Inferno Flame and Fire clutch.
- This guard is important to include for most clutch applications of the Inferno due to the propensity for grease to accumulate from chain sling or bearing sling during operation.
- A slightly 'ping-ping-pa-ping' noise is normal during operation of the Hilliard Inferno clutch line as a result of this guard rattling slightly!
- This guard does have a notch for the crankshaft, and stamped lettering denoting which direction the guard should be mounted.
- **This guard is directional. Note the curved flange on the outer face of the guard. This flange needs to be pointed away from the clutch pack (shoes and springs) during operation. Also, this guard needs to put on after the retainer washer, which is important to keep clutch shoes and springs in alignment.**